Jeffrey Glover
Affiliate Faculty Anthropology- Education
University of California, Riverside, Ph.D., 2006
- Specializations
Maya Archaeology, Human-Environment Interaction, GIS, Coastal Archaeology, Historical, Urban Archaeology, Built Environment, Community Archaeology, Transformation of Urban spaces, Mapping of Atlanta’s food networks/movement
- Biography
Dr. Glover was born and raised in Atlanta where he attended The Lovett School. He did his undergraduate work at Vanderbilt University where he majored in Anthropology. He pursued his doctoral degree at the University of California, Riverside, which he completed in 2006 and is happy to be back in Atlanta.
Dr. Glover’s dissertation research focused on interpreting the spatial patterning of ancient Maya communities in northern Quintana Roo, Mexico and the dynamic role the built environment played in lives of past people. Currently, he is co-director of the Proyecto Costa Escondida with Dr. Dominique Rissolo (UC San Diego). On this project Glover and Rissolo have teamed with Dr. Trish Beddows (Northwestern University), Dr. Beverly Goodman (University of Haifa), Derek Smith (University of Washington), and colleagues to investigate the relationship between humans and the environment at the neighboring ancient Maya port sites of Vista Alegre and Conil. Over the past three millennia, rising sea levels and fluctuating climatic regimes have dramatically transformed the physiographic characteristics of this drowning coastline, while Maya society witnessed the rise and fall of divine kings and the emergence of a market-based economy. By correlating multiple facets of the changing paleoenvironment with broader social and economic changes, the interdisciplinary research team is revealing the challenges faced, and opportunities pursued, by these coastal peoples as they adapted to their changing coastal landscape. This same group received support from NOAA in 2011 for the Maritime Maya Project.
Since moving back to Georgia, Dr. Glover has gotten involved in local archaeological projects and organizations. He is a board member of the Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society (GAAS), a chapter of the Society for Georgia Archaeology (SGA), which meets monthly at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History. He has worked with Dr. Jim D’Angelo on the Ft. Daniel project; Johnny Waits of the Flat Rock Archive at the Flat Rock Cemetery; Dr. Dennis Blanton on the Points of Contact project, and he has overseen the return of the MARTA archaeological collection back to GSU campus.
Ft. Daniel
For the past few years, Dr. Glover has been working with the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society and the Fort Daniel Foundation (a SGA chapter). He has had students working on public archaeology days at Fort Daniel, a War of 1812 fort site located in northern Gwinnett County.
- The Gwinnett Archaeology Bulletin, October 2014
Flat Rock
Dr. Glover initiated the Flat Rock Cemetery Mapping Project in 2008 in partnership with the local Flat Rock community to help document, study, and preserve their historic African-American cemetery, which was actively used between the mid-19th century and 1959. This project has been a great lesson in the positive benefits of doing public, community-based archaeology. Flat Rock was born out of three large plantations and has survived due to its strong sense of community. The historic Flat Rock Cemetery materializes this strong connection between community and place. This research has resulted in a number of conference presentations and publications with students and colleagues. The most recent and synthetic overview was published in Early Georgia, the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Georgia Archaeology. This collaborative project is slowly making the history of Flat Rock accessible in a way it never was before through the creation of an interactive map, which helps bring the inspirational story of Flat Rock, a community born out of slavery that has endured into the present, to a much larger audience through the use of new geospatial technologies.
Points of Contact
In 2009, 2010, and 2012 Glover ran an archaeological field school in South Georgia with Dr. Dennis Blanton, formally of the Fernbank Museum and now a professor at James Madison University, who directs this project. The Points of Contact project is re-charting Hernando DeSoto’s trek through Georgia in the spring of 1540 and providing a rare glimpse into the events surrounding some of the earliest contact between European peoples and Native Americans in the Southeastern US.
Georgia’s Hidden Treasures: Fernbank Discoveries (featuring GSU archaeology students)
To learn more about the project click on the link above to watch the Channel 2 WSB-TV special featuring GSU archaeology students assisting with this project.
Other Public Outreach
SAA Award for Excellence in Public Education
Jeffrey Altschul, President of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), selected Abby the ArchaeoBus as the SAA’s 2014 recipient of the Award for Excellence in Public Education. Abby the ArchaeoBus is a mobile archaeological classroom that has reached thousands of educators, students, and families since it was created in 2009 by the Society for Georgia Archaeology (SGA) and its volunteers. In 2013, New South Associates staff and Georgia State Anthropology graduate students, guided by the SGA, served as ArchaeoBus educators—targeting schools, libraries, museums, and events in metropolitan Atlanta and reaching 6,000 youngsters, many in economically challenged school districts, as a “magic school bus” full of archaeology fun and knowledge.
During the 1970s, Georgia State University (GSU) archaeologists, led by Dr. Roy Dickens, conducted systematic survey and excavations associated with the construction of the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) rail lines. This project recovered the material remains of Atlanta’s past, and these materials represent the single most comprehensive archaeological collection of Atlanta’s history. In addition, the excavations themselves were among the pioneering projects of urban archaeology in the then nascent field of CRM (Cultural Resource Management). The entire collection, 469 medium-sized “banker” boxes housing over 100,000 artifacts and all the accompanying documentation and excavation archive, were recently brought back to GSU by Dr. Glover.
The collection’s broader significance stems from the insight it can provide into the development of Atlanta from an agrarian backwater to a ravaged, railway hub at the end of the Civil War into the major metropolis in the Southeast in the 20th century. While this transformation has been documented historically, the written record only tells part of the story. The approximately 100,000+ artifacts that make-up the MARTA archaeological collection have much to add to the story of Atlanta’s rebirth and showcase significant “moments” in the life of the city, including several Civil War sites associated with the Battle of Atlanta. Because these materials are not isolated objects but have accompanying contextual data, they can more easily and more powerfully be connected with other datasets, such as development maps and historical texts, to create a more holistic understanding of the various social, political, and economic processes that impacted individuals and shaped the development of the city. Dr. Glover is particularly excited about how the collection opens immense opportunities for faculty and student research and public education and outreach.
- Publications
Forouzan, Firoozeh, Jeffrey B., Glover, Frank Williams, and Daniel Deocampo*
2012 Portable XRF Analysis of Zoomorphic Figurines, “Tokens,” and Sling Bullets from Chogha Gavaneh, Iran. Journal of Archaeological Science 39:3534-3541.
Glover, Jeffrey B.
2012 The Yalahau Region: A Study of Ancient Maya Socio-Political Organization. Ancient Mesoamerica 23:271-295.
Glover, Jeffrey B., Dominique Rissolo, Jennifer P. Mathews, and Carrie A. Furman
2012 El Proyecto Costa Escondida: Arqueología y Compromiso Comunitario a lo largo de la Costa Norte de Quintana Roo. Chungara 44(3):511-522.
Glover, Jeffrey B., Kelly Woodard, Phillip J. Reed, and Johnny Waits
2012 The Flat Rock Cemetery Mapping Project: A Case Study in Community Archaeology. Early Georgia 40(1):23-44.
Glover, Jeffrey B., Dominique Rissolo, Joseph W. Ball, and Fabio E. Amador
2011 Who were the Middle Preclassic settlers of Quintana Roo’s north coast? New evidence from Vista Alegre. Mexicon 33(3):69-73
Glover, Jeffrey B. and Travis Stanton
2010 Assessing the Role of Preclassic Tradition in the Formation of Early Classic Yucatec Cultures. Journal of Field Archaeology 35:58-77.
Glover, Jeffrey B. and Dominique Rissolo
2004 Recent Reconnaissance of the site of Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Mexicon 26:22-23.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Dominique Rissolo and Jeffrey B. Glover
2012 El Proyecto Costa Escondida: Investigaciones recientes en la costa norte de Quintana Roo, in Memorias del Trecera Congreso Internacional De Cultura Maya, edited by Alfredo Barrera Rubio and Ruth Gubler [Accepted]
Glover, Jeffrey B., Kathryn Jackson, and Johnny Waits*
2010 Reclaiming a Sense of Place: Geospatial Technologies and the Flat Rock Cemetery Project in The Proceedings of the 37th Computer Applications in Archaeology Meetings, Williamsburg, VA, edited by Bernard Frischer, Jane W. Crawford, and David Koller, pp. 93-97. Archaeopress, UK.
Amador, Fabio Esteban and Jeffrey B. Glover
2006 Lavantamiento de Mapas, Muestro, y Distribución de T’isil: Informe Preliminar in Los mayas de ayer y hoy: Memorias del Primer Congreso Internacional De Cultura Maya, edited by Alfredo Barrera Rubio and Ruth Gubler, pp. 487-497. Solar, Servicios Editoriales, S.A. de C.V., México.
Sorensen, Kathryn, Jeffrey B. Glover, and Scott L. Fedick
2004 A Volumetric Assessment of Ancient Maya Architecture: A GIS Approach to Settlement Patterns in [Enter the Past] The E-way into Four Dimensions of Cultural Heritage. CAA 2003. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 31st Conference, Vienna, Austria, edited by Magistrat der Stadt Wien - Referat Kulturelles Erbe – Stadttarchäologie Wien, pp. 308-311. BAR International Series 1227, Oxford, UK.
Edited Volumes
Glover, Jeffrey B., Dominique Rissolo, and Jennifer P. Mathews
2011 The Hidden World of the Maritime Maya: Lost Landscapes along the North Coast of Quintana Roo, Mexico, in The Archaeology of Maritime Landscapes, edited by Ben Ford, pp. 195-216. Springer, New York.
Glover, Jeffrey B. and Fabio Esteban Amador
2005 Recent Research in the Yalahau Region of Quintana Roo: Methodological Concerns and Preliminary Results of a Regional Survey in Quintana Roo Archaeology, edited by Justine Shaw and Jennifer Mathews, pp. 51-65. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.
Other Publications
Glover, Jeffrey B., Dominique Rissolo, Patricia Beddows, Beverly Goodman, and Derek Smith
2014 El Proyecto Costa Escondida: Una Investigación Paleoambiental y Arqueológica del Puerto Maya Vista Alegre Quintana Roo, México in XXVII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala. [Accepted]
Glover, Jeffrey B. and Fabio E. Amador 2010 Nuevas Perspectivas de la Sociedad Maya del Preclásico Terminal en la Región Yalahau, Quintana Roo, México, in XXIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, A. Linares, and L. Paiz, pp. 773-786. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.
Glover, Jeffrey B. and Dominique Rissolo
2006 El puerto Maya Vista Alegre: Un estudio preliminar del comercio Maya antiguo en la costa norte de Quintana Roo in XIX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, and Héctor E. Mejía, pp. 993-1002. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.
Amador, Fabio Esteban and Jeffrey B. Glover
2005 Arqueología en la Región Yalahau: Resultados Preliminares de la Temporada de Campo 2003-2004 in XVIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, and Héctor E. Mejía, pp. 853-866. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.
Glover, Jeffrey B., Dominique Rissolo and Fabio Esteban Amador2005 The Yalahau Preclassic: Reflections on Initial Survey and Ceramic Data. Mono y Conejo 3:23-31.
Glover, Jeffrey B., Kathryn Sorensen, and Scott L. Fedick
2004 Hacia la formación de un nuevo mapa arqueológico del área Maya: técnicas y resultados en los reconocimientos y registro in XVII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, Héctor L. Escobedo, and Héctor E. Mejía, pp. 17-23. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.
Amador, Fabio Esteban and Jeffrey B. Glover
2003 Investigaciones Recientes en la Región Yalahau: Resultados Preliminares y Evaluación de la Metodología del Reconocimiento Regional in XVI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, Héctor L. Escobedo, and Héctor E. Mejía, pp. 987-996. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.