Graduate Research Assistantships
Georgia State has an amazing GRA (graduate research assistant) program that typically includes a tuition waiver plus a monthly stipend. Each year, we fully fund 7-10 students. This is almost unheard of at the graduate level. Students with GRAs also participate in the student health insurance program, with some of the premium costs paid by the university and the college.
GRAs usually involve working with a faculty member or a local preservation or public history organization. A GRA also fulfills the MHP internship requirement. If you are interested in obtaining a GRA in the Heritage Preservation program, select the option when completing the application. Applications for a Graduate Research Assistantship should be submitted by February 15.
Prospective and current students interested in pursuing graduate assistant positions should contact Chad Keller.
Decisions are generally made in mid-June.
External Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Opportunities
VHB is a firm specializing in transportation planning and design, transit studies, community planning and environmental services. Interns working at VHB will assist staff historians with conducting field surveys for historic properties and assisting in the preparation of technical reports related to these properties for Section 106 compliance. Tasks include the preparation of photo reports, site plans and photographic keys, background research and architectural description of historic properties.
If you enjoy learning about cultural landscapes, the built environment and historic architecture, then this GRA is for you.
Oakland Cemetery
Oakland Cemetery was founded in 1850. Designed during the rural cemetery movement, it is Atlanta’s oldest public park. The GRA will assist with and learn skills in the maintenance, restoration, repair and preservation of historic masonry, with a particular emphasis on headstone preservation. The GRA will also participate in the documentation and education activities related to cemetery preservation.
Oakland Cemetery personnel will provide day-to-day mentoring to the intern. The individual selected for this position is expected to fully participate as a member of the Preservation, Restoration and Operations (PRO) Team crews. The intern will also become familiar with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Restoration and Preservation.
If you’re interested in hands-on preservation and restoration opportunities, as well as learning more about the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties, then this GRA is for you.
Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation
Founded in 1973, the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation works for the preservation and revitalization of Georgia’s diverse historic resources and advocates their appreciation, protection and use. Stationed in Atlanta at Rhodes Hall, this position will work with the Director of Preservation to promote the Revolving Fund and Places in Peril programs. The position focuses on The Trust’s easement properties, current Revolving Fund properties (including new West Atlanta acquisitions and rehabilitations), helping coordinate our Places in Peril nominations and updating former PIP site statuses. The position also includes contributing to general Historic Preservation and Heritage Education programs, providing experience in offering preservation assistance and revolving fund information.
If you’re interested in learning more about non-profit preservation organizations and administering programs designed to promote the preservation of historic properties, then this GRA is for you.
The Georgia African American Historic Preservation Network (GAAHPN) with the State Historic Preservation Office
The Georgia African American Historic Preservation Network (GAAHPN) is composed of representatives from grassroot organizations and preservation groups throughout the state. Established in January 1989, GAAHPN was formed in response to a growing interest in integrating economic development and community stabilization with the preservation of Georgia’s cultural and ethnic diversity. In 2000 GAAHPN received funding for staff support through the Historic Preservation Division (HPD).
Working in partnership with HPD’s various programs as well as non-governmental organizations such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, the Georgia Humanities Council, the St. Simon’s African Heritage Coalition and many others, HPD’s African American Programs Coordinator and the GAAHPN Steering Committee support and advise on historic preservation projects that foster economic development and community revitalization.
The network consists of more than 2,000 people from around the state who have an interest in preservation. Working with HPD, constituents develop projects and are encouraged to offer ideas, comments and suggestions. The award-winning GAAHPN publication, Reflections, is a primary communications tool for the GAAHPN participants.
This GRA works closely with the director of the GAAHPN to support their ongoing initiatives. If you’re interested in facilitating programs designed to support the preservation of African American history and culture, then this GRA is for you.
Easements ATL
Easements Atlanta, Inc. (EAI) is the preservation easement holding organization of Metropolitan Atlanta in existence since 1984 that permanently preserves historic structures and historically important land areas for public benefit. EAI has been able to preserve more than 40 historic buildings as part of its portfolio. From the heart of Atlanta to the outlying counties of its metropolitan area, EAI’s service area covers one of the most historically and culturally significant southeastern regions. The GRA works closely with the Executive Director and/or Board President and provides the annual monitoring of 40+ properties within EAI’s portfolio, which includes scheduling and conducting inspections. Additionally, they write and edit online posts on relevant historic preservation and architectural history topics for EAI’s website, in coordination with the Board Secretary.
If you’re interested in historic architecture, historic building materials, the preparation of historic structure reports and researching historic properties, then this GRA is for you.
Graduate fellowships are offered through several of the university’s interdisciplinary area of focus programs, include the following initiatives based in Arts and Sciences:
- Jenny Thurston Fellowship and Award in Heritage Preservation: Annual award and internship, with the Atlanta Urban Design Commission, for an outstanding historic preservationist in Atlanta.
- Margaret Ewing Endowment in Family Oral Histories: This fund provides a fellowship to a graduate student who is interested in pursuing research on family histories, preferably oral histories. This fund was created by William Pate (M.A., Communication, 1985) in memory of his cousin, Margaret Ewing, who had a specific interest in family history and studied the history of the Pate family.
For more information, please visit the Scholarships and Fellowships page.
Contact Us
Heritage Preservation Program
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Heritage Preservation Listserv
Chad Keller welcomes inquiries about the program, admissions requirements and other information helpful to prospective students.