GSU student book collecting contest
Georgia State Student Book Collecting Contest
Win your dream collection of books. 1st prize $750!
Imagine a collection of books you would like to own. The idea for a collection should be clearly defined, centering on a unifying theme, interest, material or production technique. Any form of the book, broadly conceived, will be considered, including ephemera, handwritten material, posters, and zines, so long as they illustrate and embody the collection’s focus; while content can explore any idea, texts produced by, for and about underrepresented groups are especially welcome. Collections will be judged on the originality and coherence of the motivating vision; and proposed steps to realize that vision; monetary value will only be considered with relation to the budget. Entries will be judged by a panel of local book experts. The winning entry will receive up to $750 worth of books mentioned in the proposed collection; second prize $500; third prize $250. Winning entries may be submitted to the National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest, whose first prize is $2500, awarded at the Library of Congress. We gratefully acknowledge generous funding from the College of Arts and Sciences and the Honors College, GSU, as well as the Southeast Chapter of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America.
Submission materials
In a few pages (maximum 1,000 words), describe the idea you wish to see realized in your collection. Explain how the selected objects would illustrate your idea. What is it about these books, as objects, that makes them collectible? Tell the collection’s story: Why is the idea meaningful to you? How would the collection be novel, special, or unique? How do the individual objects relate to each other? Also, include details concerning access: Who will see and use the collection? What activities does it enable? Tell us how you see the collection potentially growing beyond the core objects covered by the prize.
Bibliography & Budget
Provide a bibliographic description of each object you propose to include in the collection, along with, wherever possible, a copy-specific budget line, with back-up copies if applicable and acceptable. In addition, provide references to any scholarly bibliographical reference works or tools you have used to help research and describe the collection.
Send your essay, bibliography & budget(or queries) to:
Nick Wilding ([email protected]).
All materials must be submitted no later than May 17th 2024.
All submissions will be read by a panel of judges; award will be announced in the Summer.
Applicants must be enrolled GSU undergraduate students.
Sample collections:
Honey & Wax Prize, 2022:
National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest::
Guides to collecting:
Guide to terminology: